Wednesday, 10 June 2015

WOYWW -What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 314

Hi everyone :) 
I've been moving house (hence, no internet last week) and am enjoying new experiences and new beginnings. However, previous packing and present unpacking have taught me that space and quantity - they're a funny concept!.. I am sure you can guess which one I over-estimated and which one I under-estimated!! But what a fabulous stash of goodies I have many fellow deskers, - I am a craft hoarder and proud!!

Today's WOYWW is more what and who?!  Alfie, my glamour-puss assistant is making a guest appearance on my desk in my new craft room. He's kindly helping the epic unpack and providing great distraction!! 

Speaking of new adventures, I took part in my first ATC swap for the WOYWW 6th anniversary and am delighted to share with you my fabulous first Artist Trading Card, from my Person In Front, Kim Young -Gorgeous design isn't it, such a joy to open and also, out fluttered some butterflies :)  Thanks so much Kim!  :) 

To have a peek at others' crafty workdesks, click on marvellous Julia Dunnit's Stamping Ground blog to find out more or click on my WOYWW badge on the right...
Thank you very much for popping round today, I'll be a bit more sorted next time and hope to have reached my desk and resume creating! 
This lack of crafting and disorganisation is causing my twitching- I'm sure! 

Wishing everyone a Happy Wednesday and a sunny week :)

Angela x
Angel Greetings


  1. Glad to hear the move went well, am sure you will have everything as it should be with the help of your fabulous assistant there! Enjoy your week. Take care Zo xx 39

  2. It's such a big job moving but with Alfie's help you're sure to get straight in no time, looks like he's overseeing the work
    Jan S. No 41

  3. Enjoy your new home:) hope you manage to get crafting soon xx Soojay 21#

  4. Ah... moving. We thought about it in March, am putting it off until March 2016. We looked at some places back then though and I'd wander 'round the place and wonder where all the crafty stuff would go and of course, where would the cat litter boxes go? It's a frightening thought when it comes to moving it all. That's part of why we opted to wait a year--we are downsizing like crazy. I got rid of several boxes of craft stuff last month. I swear it didn't even make a dent. Anyway, enjoy your new place and hopefully the unpacking will go quickly. Give you furry assistant some love from me. Judy #56

  5. The thought of moving scares me all the stuff to move! Alfie seems to have settled in and is quite obviously keeping an eye on things. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24
